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What's new in QuickCapture

Features are added to QuickCapture progressively. Those features are listed here by release.

Version 1.2.114 October 2019

Mobile app

  • Use a custom web map as your basemap.
  • Enter a user input after tapping a button to capture data.
  • Immediate upload of data is now available.
  • Improved location capture on Android devices using the internal location sensor.
  • Ability to launch a QuickCapture project from a link or by scanning a QR code.
  • Photos can now be optional.
  • Enforced minimum accuracy for capture.
  • Battery consumption improvements.


  • Manage layers used by the project and set defaults for each field.
  • Edit the project thumbnail, title, data recovery email, summary, description, and terms of use.
  • Prevent multiple line or polygon buttons for capturing data at the same time by placing buttons in exclusivity groups.
  • Generate links and QR codes to use for sharing projects with others.
  • Duplicate and delete buttons.
  • Drag new buttons and groups.
  • The web designer is now translated. See Supported languages.

Version 1.1.50 July 2019

Mobile app

  • The mobile app is now translated. See Supported languages.
  • Closing a project now provides the option to end all active line and polygon captures.
  • Scan a bar code to populate the ArcGIS Enterprise URL in the mobile app.


  • The data source for buttons can now be changed. This is limited to layers that were defined when the project was created.
  • Creation of new groups and adding new or duplicate buttons is now supported.
  • Improved drag-and-drop experience for buttons and groups.

Version 1.0.301 June 2019

  • The QuickCapture mobile app is released to Google Play and the App Store. The Windows and Android apps are also available for download from the QuickCapture Resources page.
  • The QuickCapture designer is available as a technical preview. To provide feedback and follow the progress of the updates to the designer, visit the Early Adopter Community website.