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Item Information

snippet: A general purpose geocoding locator for City of Miami addresses based on GIS-validated addresses within city boundaries and maintained daily.
summary: A general purpose geocoding locator for City of Miami addresses based on GIS-validated addresses within city boundaries and maintained daily.
accessInformation: © 2020 City of Miami, Department of Innovation and Technology, GIS Team
_ssl: true
typeKeywords: ["Tool","Service","Geocoding Service","Locator Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: This geocoding locator is a composite locator based on addresses maintained and validated by the City of Miami Zoning Department and it is refreshed daily with the address changes performed during the last 24 hours. The locator is composed of two single-field underlying locators capable of finding addresses using the City of Miami standard as well as the USPS addressing standard. The geocoding locator provides a fast and reliable way of finding addresses within the City of Miami using the most common variations of an address. As with any locator, there will be cases where an address might not 'geocode.' Known limitations, High Score, wrong place The underlying technology might parse an address with a high score but place it in wrong location. This is due to the internal parsing and weight given to each address token. To avoid this pitfall, users are encouraged to only select results where score attained is 100. Missing Address: If the physical input address exists but it is not returned by the geocoding locator, there is a possibility that the address is not in our system. In that case, reach out to the Zoning Department for a manual verification of the address. API Calls API calls to this service is limited to the https protocol.
licenseInfo: Public Access
title: COMIA_Composite_SingleAddress
type: Geocoding Service
tags: ["Geocoding","Locator","Miami","Addresses"]
culture: en-US
name: COMIA_Composite_SingleAddress