{ "description": "The Geometry service is used by application developers to perform geometric calculations to support querying, analysis and editing operations from client applications.", "summary": "The Geometry service is used by application developers to perform geometric calculations to support querying, analysis and editing operations from client applications.", "tags": [ "Geometry service", "Areas and Lengths", "Auto Complete", "Buffer", "Convex Hull", "Cut", "Densify", "Difference", "Distance", "Generalize", "Intersect", "Label Points", "Lengths", "Offset", "Project", "Relation", "Reshape", "Simplify", "Trim Extend", "Union" ], "_ssl": true, "snippet": "The Geometry service is used by application developers to perform geometric calculations to support querying, analysis and editing operations from client applications.", "accessInformation": "", "licenseInfo": "" }